[FUN_Mail] FUN Social Media

Melvin Bates melvin.bates at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 19:21:37 UTC 2023


I am one of the co-chairs of the FUN Social Media committee. We are looking
to highlight FUN members and their students on our social media pages
(Twitter, Facebook, Instagram). If you're interested in being highlighted,
please send the following information along with a headshot to
mlbates at csuchico.edu:




Role with FUN

Research Interests


Favorite Brain Region

This will be a great way to increase our visibility and yours as well!
Also, if you have a student looking for their next position, they could use
this to market themselves.

We sincerely hope you'll consider being highlighted!

Best, Shawn

Shawn Bates, Ph.D. (He/him/his) | Assistant Professor of Psychology and
Neuroscience | Department of Psychology Advisor (for appointments, click
| Member, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee | California State
University, Chico | E-mail: mlbates at csuchico.edu
-------------- next part --------------

   I am one of the co-chairs of the FUN Social Media committee. We are
   looking to highlight FUN members and their students on our social media
   pages (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram). If you're interested in being
   highlighted, please send the following information along with a
   headshot to [1]mlbates at csuchico.edu:




   Role with FUN

   Research Interests


   Favorite Brain Region

   This will be a great way to increase our visibility and yours as well!
   Also, if you have a student looking for their next position, they could
   use this to market themselves.

   We sincerely hope you'll consider being highlighted!

   Best, Shawn

   Shawn Bates, Ph.D. (He/him/his) | Assistant Professor of Psychology and
   Neuroscience | Department of Psychology Advisor (for appointments,
   click [2]here) | Member, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee |
   California State University, Chico | E-mail: [3]mlbates at csuchico.edu


   1. mailto:mlbates at csuchico.edu
   2. https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/BSSAdvising@csuchico.onmicrosoft.com/bookings/s/G3SoaHQZTEOZp3DleWzQ8Q2
   3. mailto:mlbates at csuchico.edu

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