[FUN_Mail] SFN- FUN poster session vs Sunday Theme J posters
Ramirez, Julio
juramirez at davidson.edu
Thu Nov 16 20:03:30 UTC 2023
Dear FUN Friends,
For my part, I see great value in having our FUN poster session in conjunction with the other trainee poster sessions (many of which are associated with initiatives promoting recruitment, retention, and inclusion/belonging among groups historically underrepresented in the neurosciences). That Saturday evening, the energy I saw among the trainees from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences was inspiring and indeed infectious. I would love to see FUN continue participating in the Saturday night event with these other trainees to give our undergraduate students a feel for what presenting posters at a large meeting is like (over 900 trainees participated that night to the best of my knowledge). Unfortunately, only a fraction of our undergraduate students would be likely to present on the floor of the meeting otherwise. A smaller more intimate venue can be great FUN, but from my perspective giving them a larger cohort to interact with is even more FUN.
Have a lovely fall as we enter the holiday season!
Julio J. Ramirez, Ph.D.
R. Stuart Dickson Professor
Director, Neuroscience Program
Department of Psychology & Neuroscience Program
Box 7017; Wall Academic Center; Room 270
Davidson College
Davidson, NC 28035
Voice: 704-894-2888
“The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds the most discoveries, is not "Eureka!" (I found it!) but 'That's funny...”
― Isaac Asimov
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From: FUN_Mail <fun_mail-bounces at lists.funfaculty.org> On Behalf Of Masino, Susan A.
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2023 1:06 PM
To: Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience Mailing List <fun_mail at lists.funfaculty.org>
Subject: Re: [FUN_Mail] SFN- FUN poster session vs Sunday Theme J posters
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Hello all –
Yes, poster boards are SfN Program Committee (PC).
Definitely give feedback and as another point - it would be great to ensure/expect there is always FUN representation on the PC . . .
I was unable to attend but heard mixed reports about having it on the poster floor (more space overall) vs. a dedicated room (perhaps too packed sometimes, but felt like a special event).
If folks have opinions on that they could be shared as well.
Susan Masino
Trinity College
From: FUN_Mail <fun_mail-bounces at lists.funfaculty.org<mailto:fun_mail-bounces at lists.funfaculty.org>> On Behalf Of Ramirez, Julio
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2023 12:22 PM
To: Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience Mailing List <fun_mail at lists.funfaculty.org<mailto:fun_mail at lists.funfaculty.org>>
Subject: Re: [FUN_Mail] SFN- FUN poster session vs Sunday Theme J posters
Let SfN know, Greta Ann. The feedback is very helpful, both positive and constructive.
Great to see such a wonderful turnout!
See you all next year,
Sent from cell phone (please excuse typos)
Julio J. Ramirez, Ph.D.
R. Stuart Dickson Professor
Director, Neuroscience Program
Emeritus Past-Treasurer of the Society for Neuroscience 😊
Department of Psychology & Neuroscience Program
Box 7017; Wall Academic Center
Davidson College
Davidson, NC 28035
Voice: 704-894-2888
“The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds the most discoveries, is not "Eureka!" (I found it!) but 'That's funny...”
― Isaac Asimov
From: FUN_Mail <fun_mail-bounces at lists.funfaculty.org<mailto:fun_mail-bounces at lists.funfaculty.org>> on behalf of Greta Ann Herin <gherin at gmu.edu<mailto:gherin at gmu.edu>>
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2023 12:07:30 PM
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Subject: [FUN_Mail] SFN- FUN poster session vs Sunday Theme J posters
This email originated from outside Davidson College. Use caution, especially with links and attachments.
Hi Y'all,
Wow, what an amazing SFN that was! I learned so much and it was delightful to connect with many of you.
I'm about to fill out the survey from SFN asking for feedback about the meeting. There was a double scheduling issue of the Theme J poster boards between the Sunday morning Theme J presentations and the Saturday night FUN poster session. Before I fill out the survey, who would be the most appropriate person to address suggestions to? Is that an SFN responsibility? A FUN responsibility?
Thanks in advance for your insight.
Greta Ann
Greta Ann (GA) Herin, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Academic Advisor
Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience
Exploring the nervous system, from molecules to mind
Make an appointment with me for advising:
Ask me about the Neuroscience and Technology in Germany Study Abroad Program!
Krasnow Institute Room 255
George Mason University
4400 University Drive MS2A1
Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone: (703) 993-9720
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