[FUN_Mail] Harvard Neuroscience post-bac program - open house THIS WEDNESDAY!

Tan, Tari Taralyn_Tan at hms.harvard.edu
Mon Nov 27 21:03:05 UTC 2023

Hi FUN faculty!

My name is Tari Tan and (in addition to my roles in FUN) I am the Assistant Dean for Educational Innovation and Scholarship here at Harvard Medical School.

I am reaching out with an exciting opportunity for students interested in Neuroscience who are graduating this May . As a part of my role here at Harvard I help direct our NIH-funded Neuroscience Post-Baccalaureate Program<https://www.pinbac.org/> (PiNBAC) which is a training program for recent college graduates interested in applying to PhD programs in the neurosciences. We encourage applications from groups traditionally underrepresented in research careers in the sciences, in the academic, public or private sectors. The PiNBAC one-pager is attached to be shared with those who may be interested in the program. Notably, our NIH funding specifically supports students who graduated from non-research intensive undergraduate institutions (like PUIs!)

There is an open house THIS WEEK where PiNBAC will be in attendance on Wednesday, November 29th from 6-7PM. The open house informational flyer is attached, and the registration link is below. Please share with your colleagues and students! Applications will open early December, and can be accessed via our program website.


Taralyn Tan, PhD
Assistant Dean for Educational Innovation and Scholarship
Lecturer on Neurobiology

Harvard Medical School I Office for Graduate Education | Dept of Neurobiology
220 Longwood Avenue I Goldenson 120 I Boston, MA 02115
office: 617-432-7164
pronouns: she, her, hers
Taralyn_tan at hms.harvard.edu<mailto:Taralyn_tan at hms.harvard.edu>


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