[FUN_Mail] Workshop - New Tools for Neuroscience Pedagogy and Research - last call

Frenzel, Kristen E kfrenze at emory.edu
Tue Feb 27 18:51:13 UTC 2024

Hi all,
My colleagues at Emory and I will be hosting a workshop on March 8th (noon -1:30pm EASTERN) where we discuss the uses of a new neurotechnology – Myomatrix electrode arrays<https://camber.emory.edu/>. We’ll describe the educational and research purposes of these arrays and our goal is to connect with faculty interested in either developing teaching modules using the arrays or in their research. If you have an existing lab class or considering developing a new lab module and think adding EMG data would be interesting and useful, please come. We’d love to discuss how these arrays may augment your teaching and research.
All the logistical details are HERE<https://hsistemhub.org/23-24-workshops/neuroscience/> and one can register by Monday March 4th using this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/hub-neuro-spr24

Kristen Frenzel, Ph.D. (she,her,hers)
Associate Director of Education and Outreach
Center for Advanced Motor BioEngineering and Research (CAMBER)
Acting Associate Professor; Coulter Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
Emory University and Georgia Institute of Technology

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